Podiatric Surgery

Podiatric Surgery


What is Podiatric Surgery

Podiatric Surgery is a specialist field of practice within the podiatry profession. Podiatric Surgeons are Podiatrists who have undergone extensive postgraduate training in the surgical management of foot and ankle problems. A Podiatric Surgeon is to feet very much like a dentist is to teeth; an independent clinician in the field of surgery and not a medical doctor.

Foot problems can be very painful. If your symptoms are mild, medication may be enough to reduce your pain. Insoles or shoe modifications can be useful for some patients. When symptoms persist despite these simple measures, surgery can provide a solution.

A foot operation is not always the answer to all problems, Surgery should primarily be carried out for the relief of intractable pain or deformity; appearance alone is rarely a sufficient indication for invasive surgery.

Patient Information

Conditions that we treat


  • Hallux Valgus (bunions)
  • Hallux limitus (stiff big toe)
  • Lesser toe correction
  • Morton’s neuroma
  • Metatarsalgia
  • Excision of skin lesions
  • Eexcision of cysts and ganglion
  • Ingrowing toenails


All treatments provided at North East Foot Surgery for these conditions are in the safe hands of our Consultant Podiatric Surgeon, Simon Fay.

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