Patient Information
Patient Information

Day case surgery

All of the procedures undertaken are suitable to be carried out as a day case.

Simple procedures such as surgical treatment of ingrowing toe nails or correction of small toe deformity will be usually done under local anaesthetic. More complex, bone procedures are often carried out asleep with the addition of a local anaesthetic block as well, to provide  good post-operative pain relief for the first few hours. This approach is helpful in being able to reduce the overall need for strong pain relief during the recovery after surgery. Even with the most complex procedures offered, patients are usually only in the department for half a day. 

The surgical treatments offered, pay attention not only to dealing with painful conditions, but also to maintaining a good cosmetic appearance. This often means that, for example with hallux valgus corrections, incisions are placed on the side of the foot, so that scars are less visible afterwards. 

Recovering from foot surgery inevitably means rest with feet elevated and time away from your normal routine. We encourage patients to mobilise as early as possible, in real terms this means short periods of walking with long periods of rest in the first 2-3 weeks, gradually increasing activity and reducing the need for rest. It is important to be aware of the recovery time after surgery is as important as the surgical procedure itself. Typically, 6 weeks would be an average recovery time, to get back to a relatively normal daily routine, including driving, whilst it can take 3 months or so to get back to high impact activity, such as fitness routines and sport. Of course, this is dependent on the extent of the operation performed. 

We understand that this time can often be hard to find in busy schedules, but we will work with you to find the best time for you to go through a surgical journey. 


Referral for treatment

Many patients do not have health insurance and so fund their own treatment. Both The Ramsay group (Cobalt Hospital ) and Northumbria Health can provide individual packages for treatments depending on individual requirements. Please contact the private practice manager at the Cobalt Hospital or Northumbria Health for further details.

Patients using insurance will often need a referral letter from their GP. Self funding patients can contact us directly via the “Send us a Message” function to arrange a consultation.

To arrange private consultations at Cobalt Hospital please contact the Cobalt directly on: 0191 607 0319 or at any of the Northumbria sites contact the Private Practice Team at Northumbria Health on: 0191 203 1253. 

For any other information please contact Mr Fay’s Secretary on 07307 173103 during office hours.

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